The external site for Hordes, Die2Nite, Die Verdammten, Zombinoia and MyHordes
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Experience des Héros

# Nom Jours Jours Description
1 Manipulator 3 +3 Twice per game, you can delete an entry in the town register (click on the icon alongside the line you wish to delete...).
2 Clairvoyance 7 +4 You know how active and present a player is in the game, simply by going to their house.
3 Mr Writer 16 +9 Now you can send Private Messages to all the citizens in your town at once (from the Messages section in your House). You can also start "RP" threads in the forums (please do not abuse this !).
4 Brothers in Arms 25 +9 Once per game, you can give 1 Heroic action to a fellow citizen! Just wait, you'll become a veritable messiah for the masses... NB: any heroic actions you give away will be taken from your available actions.
5 Dictator 31 +6 You can change what is written on the blackboard on the town's main page.
6 Large Chested 45 +14 You have earned an additional storage space in your personal chest, in your house.
7 Healthy Body 61 +16 As long as you stay "Clean" (i.e. you haven't taken any drugs), you have 1 additional control point when you're in the World Beyond.
8 Omniscience 75 +14 Omniscience works like Clairvoyance, except you will be able to see the details of EVERY citizen from the town directory. Click on the Omniscience tab when looking at the list of citizens.
9 Resourcefulness 91 +16 You will start out in every town with a random useful object.
10 False Bottom 105 +14 You are given an additional storage compartment in your chest.
11 Lucky Find 121 +16 Your hero power "Super Seeker" allows you to find much better objects.
12 A place for everything 135 +14 You have an additional storage compartment in your rucksack.
13 Second wind 151 +16 Now you have an extremely useful power which allows you to restore your health to 6 AP and recover from a "tired" status.
14 Second Breakfast 165 +14 You will start all towns with an additional ration of food.
15 Professional Photographer 181 +16 You start each new town with a pre-war camera.
16 Brick S**thouse 195 +14 Your wealth of experience in the World Beyond has given you a permanent addition of 1 control point.
17 Treachery 211 +16 Your "Manipulator" is upgraded : you can now use it several times per game !
18 Cheat death 226 +15 When this is activated, this new power means you will no longer be affected by Thirst, Infection or Addiction during the next attack (only lasts for one night).
19 Sweet Revenge 241 +15 If you are shunned on day 3 or later, you will automatically receive some poison with which to exact your revenge... Yeah, they'd better not **** with you now !
20 Pro Camper 301 +60 Penalties incurred by repeated camping in the World Beyond are reduced for you : therefore you can camp more often during your time in a town.
21 Preventative medicine 361 +60 You start out in every town with a sachet of First Aid Kit in your rucksack.
22 Mayor 541 +180 You are able to create private cites from the "play" page when your dead.
23 Architect 721 +180 You start each town with a building plan.
24 Pro-Watchman 1 000 +279 You increase your maximum chance of survival by 5% after watches. (Therefore the first is a 100% increase).